Agile PMO & Advisory

Tailoring Agile Solutions for Unique Business Needs

Dive into the world of Agile PMO Support with Navitas, where dynamic strategy and innovative project management converge to drive your business forward. Our tailored approach ensures your projects align with strategic objectives, optimizing delivery and enhancing operational efficiency.

Solutions and Offerings

Navitas' Agile PMO Support merges advisory services, agile coaching, and strategic project management to empower businesses in navigating market changes and operational challenges. By focusing on strategy, delivery optimization, and operational agility, we provide comprehensive support to ensure project success and competitive advantage, aligning closely with your business goals and driving innovation at every step.

Advisory & Strategy

Navitas enhances strategic decision-making with comprehensive advisory services, including strategy consulting, readiness assessments, and MVP solutions. We equip businesses to navigate challenges and seize opportunities with actionable insights and innovative solutions.

Project Management

Our project management services support agile environments and complex projects, enhancing coordination, accelerating delivery, and reducing risks. Navitas aligns projects with strategic goals, driving mission success and operational efficiency.

PMO Support

Navitas provides structured PMO Support, optimizing project delivery and aligning projects with organizational objectives. Our governance and best practices increase project oversight, efficiency, and success, driving your mission forward.

Agile Coaching

Navitas' Agile Coaching empowers clients to adapt quickly to market changes and integrate customer feedback, fostering innovation and agility. Our guidance transforms operations, ensuring competitiveness in dynamic environments.

Business Analysis

Our business analysis consultancy identifies technology-driven opportunities, offering strategic direction and fostering collaboration. Navitas navigates complex challenges, crafting customized strategies for competitive advantage and business success.

Contract Management

Navitas simplifies contract management, navigating complexities to enforce obligations, enhance compliance, and drive performance. Our approach ensures seamless operations, addressing commercial, compliance, and performance challenges in a global landscape.

Success Stories

Orchestrating Machine Learning Models on Kubernetes

Customer Challenge

A large banking company is running multiple risk, fraud, and credit line increase Machine Learning (ML) Models on virtual machines (VMs) in its on-premises data center. There was no ability to build and deploy code on-demand and no environment parity between model training and production. Capabilities of the current infrastructure imposed limitations on accuracy, leading to bias and pattern misidentification during recurring cycles. The customer needed an enterprise-grade end-to-end automated data science solution with the flexibility to run on-premises, in multiple public clouds, and support every stage of the ML lifecycle

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Dramatic Improvements in Program & Portfolio Management

A large financial institution had an established Project Management Office (PMO) that oversees a portfolio of projects and drives a structured approach in managing program execution. Since the customer had embarked on an organization-wide modernization initiative, there was a need to uptick their PMO capabilities. Resourcing challenges, such as prolonged internal hiring periods, variability in quality and accountability of third-party resources, and retention of skilled PMs, were hindering the timely business case realization of key initiatives. To alleviate these resourcing challenges, the Company sought a sourcing partner who could set up an SLA-driven flexible resourcing model that provided flexibility, cost predictability, and responsiveness to variable business demands.

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Human-Centric Design & Cloud Analytics Improves Data-driven Decision-making

A large secondary mortgage company needed to update its external-facing web-based reporting portal as it lacked a human-centric design, leading to an inconsistent user interface (UI), a fractured information architecture, poor navigation features, and increased time and resources spent on retrieving and processing data. The Company approached Navitas to reimagine the platform with a more intuitive, yet innovative user experience and roll out the revamped portal to its employees globally.

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